Monday, 18 March 2013

March?! Already?

Again, another whirl wind few months have meant that all of a sudden I wake up at 3am in the middle of March and realise I haven't given any TLC to my own blog for a long time (October to be precise).

I hope everyone had a great bonfire night, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Did you enjoy your pancakes? And how was your Valentines Day?

Now we are caught up - Happy March to you. The new year cobwebs have finally been blown away and I can feel excitement bubbling up inside about new projects, events and plans.

Last week saw the launch night of Thrift Radiates Happiness at the Municipal Bank in Birmingham. I went along with Michelle, and lots of layers, and could not have had a better time. I had no preconceptions as I avoided social media and blogs about the exhibition as I like to be surprised; it did not disappoint. For a full round up please read my Created in Birmingham post. If you didn't get a chance to see it, shame on you. But I hope that Thrift Radiates Happiness will offer us more exhibitions soon!

I spent this Saturday morning drinking lots of peppermint tea and eating blueberry pancakes in Yorks Bakery Cafe with fellow CiBer Kerry. If you haven't made a trip to Yorks Bakery yet then you must get yourself there whether it is for breakfast pancakes, chocolate brownie, delicious soup or all three! It is my new favourite place to relax in Birmingham, and also currently the most likely to make me chuckle on twitter. Follow them here.

Other than munching and drinking tea we were, most importantly, making our Flatpack Festival plans. I have just booked tickets for Good Vibrations at The Electric for this Friday night and also for the Invisible Architecture Walk on Saturday. I have pencilled in many more of the 'free' events for Saturday and am also taking my mother to the new Bramall Music Building at UoB for The Adventures of Prince Achmed. I will also be at the Flatpack Palais on Thursday evening. VERY EXCITED!! Have you booked anything yet?

In other news, I treated myself to an iPad and am on the iPhone countdown (11 sleeps if you're curious)  so am loving all things 'Apple' at the moment. My favourite app of the moment is the Google Drive app that makes creating and transporting documents very easy indeed. My love for the app is shadowed slightly by my sadness at the end of Google Reader. Google cites 'declining usage' as the reason for its end on July 1st this year. While this leaves me a bit 'meh' there are so many new alternatives out there to replace Google Reader and I realised that I had too had stopped using it as much as I had been a year ago...whoops. See ya Google Reader, RIP etc. etc.

I also watched the announcement of the new Facebook Newsfeed via Mashable. The latest updates to our newsfeed will see larger photos, mobile consistency and (what I am most looking forward to) more feeds and control of those feeds. For an interesting read of the evolution of Facebook, have a read of this.

Anyway, thats enough for now.

Thanks much. x